Job Fairs!

• There were at least four guests from the Westside and Eastside shelters who were hired within one week of the job fair.  There were other job offers made as well, and we are waiting to learn if the offers will be accepted.  Two men were hired by Full Circle Training as mechanic trainees for Vehicles for Change.  One was hired by Royal Farms, and one was hired by Broadway Services as a security guard at Hopkins-Bayview.  We are helping to plan another job fair for May, which will be held in Dundalk and will be open to both shelters. 

• A mini-job fair was held on March 10 with participation by Green Thumb and CCBC.  The CCBC HR representative met with several shelter residents and shared that a high school diploma or GED is needed to qualify to work for the college or (almost all) state and county positions.  Good to know and we are looking into the next steps.


Happy (March) Birthday to Shelter Guests